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Audio Visual Joint Resource AUDIOVISUAL
Sales, Project Planning and Design
 +44(0) 1253 85 12 02
Audiovisual Joint Resource

Cookies we set and why

The following cookies are set by either yourself or us, please read below for information

Initiated By You
Name: showSubscribe
Title: Show Subscribe
Purpose: Whether you would like the subscribe box to be shown
Activated: By clicking '(x) close'
Duration: per Session

Name: cookiesChecked
Title: Accpeted Cookies
Purpose: You understand what cookies we keep
Activated: By clicking 'Got It' link on cookies bar
Duration: per Session

Initiated By Us
Name: timedout
Title: Subscribe Timed Out
Purpose: We apply a 30 second timeout before showing the subscribe box, if this has elapsed the subscribe box shows on each page
Activated: On Timeout
Duration: per Session

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